Opening Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 5pm

Tuesday: 8:00am - 5pm

Wednesday: 8:00am - 5pm

Thursday: 8:00am - 5pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Root Canals

For patients who are experiencing tooth pain, it is likely that decay has progressed to the root canal of the tooth. We can perform a root canal procedure to relieve this pain, and save the tooth from needing to be removed.

When Is a Root Canal Needed?

If bacteria has infected the root canal of the tooth, infection or inflation can occur. This causes tooth pain, and can lead to permanent damage to the tooth.

A Simple Procedure

Treatment beings with local anesthesia. Next, our doctors will remove the infected or inflamed tissue and clean the area. Lastly, they will fill and seal the tooth to prevent further infection. The procedure can typically be done in one appointment, and can save the tooth from extraction.